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Ever hear the saying "You are what you eat"?

If your kidneys are unable to deal with all the uric acid that you ingest then they will turn it into crystals and send it off round your body. This is the starting point that ends up in the agony that is gout.
As with many medical situations the food you eat is a huge contributing factor in your gout attacks. Many of the foods that are considered to be - do not touch- for people with heart conditons will also contribute to the development of gout.
Most people want a quick fix for any problem, when dealing with medical situations such as gout this isn't always possible or advisable. Your gout didn't really appear overnight, it has taken months and probably years of eating the wrong things possibly coupled with a genetic predisposition to appear. So expecting your gout to just be fixed instantly is unrealistic isn't it.
Uric acid comes about as the body breaks down purines in foods, to fight or prevent gout, the uric acid in the body must be brought down to safe levels. Logically, in controlling levels of uric acid in the body, you will have to reduce or altogether eliminate eating foods rich in purines.
While drinking alcohol may give you some instant temporary feeling of pleasure it can be a contributing cause for gout attacks. Your kidneys have to work hard to deal with alcohol and the high amount of purines that it contains, add this to some rich red meat and your kidneys won't be able to keep up and will be expelling more uric acid into your body.
If you are unsure of what to eat when you are trying to reduce the severity and regularity of your gout attacks you should start keeping a diary of what you eat and drink. This will help give you some idea of the items that may be contributing to your pain. Shellfish, red meat, alcohol and game meats are things that you should remove from your diet straight away before you even start making notes.
While it may all seem negative , there are things you can add to your diet that will actually help reduce the uric acid in your body and this reduction should help reduce the regularity and severity of your gout attacks.

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